Taiwan launches Artificial Intelligence platform Aldea
The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI, 工研院) announced Wednesday that manufacturers, academics and researchers could begin using its Artificial Intelligence co-creation platform Aldea to solve AI problems.

The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI, 工研院) announced Wednesday that manufacturers, academics and researchers could begin using its Artificial Intelligence co-creation platform Aldea to solve AI problems.
During the present first phase, domestic manufacturers, the retail sector and major medical sector groups could use the platform to present AI topics and let academics propose solutions, the Liberty Times reported.
In a second phase, Aldea’s use would be expanded to small and medium enterprises to help them move towards AI according to their needs.
ITRI officials said the plan was to help businesses implement more AI, before AI and its advice also became a business, in the end leading to private individuals also becoming adept at AI.
Artificial Intelligence was such a wide-ranging topic that it exceeded the possibilities of many enterprises and their employees, leading to a need for more outside experts to be involved, the Liberty Times reported.
Aldea allows experts to discuss problems with AI while identifying erroneous or incomplete information, ITRI said. The organization said it would also address fears by business about intellectual copyright issues and the threat of confidential business information leaking to rivals.
The Aldea project was also inspired by the government’s financial limitations, as it could mobilize outside independent experts to come out and propose solutions to AI problems and roadblocks, according to ITRI.
Next month, the Ministry of Education was planning to hold an AI competition with colleges and universities in collaboration with Aldea, the Liberty Times reported.
Source:Taiwan News